If you have not seen or read about oil pulling yet, you must have not been anywhere near a computer in the last year. It is everywhere nowadays even though it dates back to the ancient Ayurvedic peoples. I could get into the hows and whys but why waste my blog space when I can just direct you to another of the million sites that have that all written down for me? (See the Food Matters link below.)
With Dercum's and the various other ailments I know about and possibly others I have no clue about yet, I have had a toothache for over 4 years in a place I could not have a toothache. How do I know this? Well, because I have no tooth there anymore because it was removed the same 4 years ago. I also have from that spot going up through the temple of the left side of my face a tingling numbness and, at times, sharp pain.
Just over a month ago I read about oil pulling and I figured it could not hurt to try. In fact, I am pulling away as I am typing this.
I pull almost every morning. I figure since this disease has basically made me not to want to do any sort of beauty ritual in the morning adding in the 15-20 minutes I need to do this could definitely be fit in. Plus I do it while watching the television or reading through Facebook posts so it doesn't seem like that long at all.
There are so many other claims that come with this magical ritual but I do not put heed to many of them. I will agree that I am getting rid of a lot of unwanted bacteria by performing oil pulling and in doing so within days I reaped some benefits.
I will tell you, I do not have the phantom tooth pain and most of the numbness has gone away for me. Also, a cavity that has been bugging me in another tooth has not given me much issue as of late either. My dry lips and mouth have benefited too. They stay nice and hydrated through the day.
So, is oil pulling the mystical cure some people are touting? Maybe not but it is definitely worth a try if you have some random dental issues...and who among us doesn't?
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